To the Other Girl who Loved Him

An open letter to the one person who might understand this better than anyone else…… I also still can’t think about you with out getting upset. But I also am so sorry for how you’ve been affected and I want to acknowledge you are also a victim in all of this.

EMDR-In case it works

This is a very very mis and under informed letter I wrote about EMDR therapy before I started the process. This was a very scary and manic time in my life when I was living in the deepest dark holes of my PTSD every day. This letter encompasses so much about that period I left it unedited except for the redacted names. It’s ugly and messy. It is in every way chaotic. So is my recovery. Again this is an open letter to my offender with no intent of ever being sent I use these to process my emotions at times surrounding my trauma bonds.

Bravery- an open letter

Letters I’ll never send have become a way of me confronting my abuser in a safe space. I don’t plan on him ever receiving these letters, so they’re a safe space for me to vent my unknown emotions and have a pseudo-connection while I’m still recovering from trauma bonds. This letter explores some changes going on with his status as well as a new found bravery I am clinging to.